failed to start: No child processes


anka --debug start -uv 12.0.1
3fcc268d-ac62-4951-8e64-32b350530c56: failed to start: status -43
3fcc268d-ac62-4951-8e64-32b350530c56: failed to start: error 70
3fcc268d-ac62-4951-8e64-32b350530c56: hypervisor failed with status 70
anka: 12.0.1: failed to start: No child processes
usr@machine % anka --debug start 12.2.0-arm
Thu Feb  3 15:32:21 main: executing command start
Thu Feb  3 15:32:21 vm: a25d8ea6-73a9-4921-be75-c25f930d2934: working directory: /Users/usr/Library/Application Support/Veertu/Anka/vm_lib/a25d8ea6-73a9-4921-be75-c25f930d2934
Thu Feb  3 15:32:21 vm: a25d8ea6-73a9-4921-be75-c25f930d2934: job started with pid 94454
utils: 94454: failed to get proc state: No such file or directory
Thu Feb  3 15:32:22 vm: a25d8ea6-73a9-4921-be75-c25f930d2934: process early exit status 256
Thu Feb  3 15:32:22 vm: a25d8ea6-73a9-4921-be75-c25f930d2934: bad VM start status: No such file or directory
Thu Feb  3 15:32:22 start: a25d8ea6-73a9-4921-be75-c25f930d2934: failed to start: error 256
Thu Feb  3 15:32:22 start: a25d8ea6-73a9-4921-be75-c25f930d2934: hypervisor failed with status 256
anka: 12.2.0-arm: failed to start: No child processes
❯ cat /var/log/veertu/anka_agent.INFO
. . .
I0123 17:57:08.211474   15646 arm_v1.go:35] starting vm start process. request id: 97cc6147-9a21-431d-7c37-564d637d6c77, source vm: c3c080f3-5fd2-49f7-a7b9-356de3208b91
I0123 17:57:08.254469   15646 intel_v1.go:172] cloning c3c080f3-5fd2-49f7-a7b9-356de3208b91 with name mgmtManaged-Mactest12-1674493028254448000
E0123 17:57:08.444507   15646 arm_v1.go:98] failed to start vm 9b0459c9-d8f3-41a8-a355-cac8df9ee314: 9b0459c9-d8f3-41a8-a355-cac8df9ee314: failed to start: No child processes
. . .

Common Causes

  1. Port forwarding is conflicting with an already existing VM:
    Mon Jan 23 17:57:08 pid 43390: session launching...
    port_fwd: failed to bind, port 59000: Address already in use
    port_fwd: listen(-1): Bad file descriptor
    ankahv: failed to add rule tcp:59000:, error 9
    ankahv: failed to start: Bad file descriptor
  2. Intel Anka version was installed on ARM and then not fully uninstalled when ARM version was obtained and installed.
  3. You are logged into the machine with 1 user, then SSHing in as another.
  4. Your anti-virus is blocking the processes from starting.


  1. Re-install 2.5 and run sudo /Library/Application\ Support/Veertu/Anka/tools/
  2. Log into the UI with the user you’re using for SSH.
  3. Disable all anti-virus software.

Still experiencing problems?

Talk to us! we are available via slack or email